The Simple Truth About Massage:

All Massage Modalities by design treat soft tissue: muscle, tendon and ligament.

The goal when applying massage is to reduce and aid in eliminating pain, reduce stress, aid in healing injury, balance range of motion and aid homeostasis.

Massage can enhance and shorten the healing, restoration and rejuvenation of tissues to aid you in achieving your optimal health, mobility and use of your body.





Swedish Massage

The most common type of massage, the Swedish relaxes, reduces stress, and increases the circulation and range of motion.



Relaxation Massage with Aromatherapy


Choose an essential oil to be used in this gentle touch massage that promote relaxation and healing.



  • Genie Rub Massager
  • Aroma Theapy
  • Weighted Blanket 8lbs
  • Thumper Massager
  • Gua Sha Massager
  • Hot Pack
  • 10 Minute Foot Reflexology
  • Back Medi Cupping

Custom Massage

The most popular among my clients.

I listen to your concerns, asses the tissues for injury, tension, sensitivity, temperature, color, and range of motion.

The Custom Massage is used reduce stress, pain and increase range of motion by using components of several Massage Modalities, as well as one or more of: Ice, Heat, Vibration, Medi Cupping, Reflexology.


Neuromuscular "Trigger Point" Therapy

Is used to reduce/stop spasms and pain by applying pressure to specific (trigger) points in the muscles to address painfully irritated muscles. It helps restore flexibility and treats conditioned such as Headaches, TMJ, Hand &Wrist Pain, Muscle Strain, Back Pain.


Neuromuscular, Myofacial Release, Medical Massage and Deep Tissue Massage are designed to target these kinds of issues:

Jaw and Facial Pain (TMJ), Whiplash type injuries, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Upper Back/Shoulder Pain (Computer Shoulder), Lower Back/Hip Pain, Shooting Pain/Numbness Down the Leg (Lumbar Radiculopathy), Fibromyalgia, Plantar Fascitis, Neck Pain/Tension Headaches, Pain Down the Side of the Thigh (IT Band Syndrome), Plantar Fasciitis, Painful or Stiff Movement: Neck, Shoulder, Low-Back, and Hips, Shooting Pain/Numbness Down The Arm (Cervical Radiculopathy).


Spa Neuromuscular


Is a full body Swedish massage and moderate touch Neuromuscular to one or two areas that need attention.

closeup of physiotherapist working on female knee

Myofacial/Deep Tissue Massage

 Is a massage using firmer pressure that works deeply into the muscles and connective tissues (fascia)to release chronic

 patterns of pain and tension.

 Medical Massage

Medical Massage is a specific and results-oriented therapy that has been effective in the recovery from soft tissue injuries or other conditions involving muscle, tendon and ligament. 




ACE Massage Cupping™ Therapy

ACE Massage Cupping™ is a modern form of vacuum therapy, and the incredible results that this simple treatment produces have truly impressed those who experience its subtle power.

By creating suction and vacuum pressure, ACE Massage Cupping™  is used to soften tight muscles and tone attachments(fascia), loosen adhesive tissues and lift connective tissue(fascia), bring hydration and blood flow to body tissues, move deep inflammation to the skin surface for release, and drain excess fluids and toxins by opening lymphatic pathways.

ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy is incredibly versatile and the basic movements can easily be customized to accomplish a wide variety of techniques, from lymphatic drainage to deep tissue release.  This complements all massage modalities.

ACE Massage Cupping™ is fun and result-oriented …

and the treatment can FEEL GREAT!


Reflexology is the application of pressure to areas on the feet (or the hands). Reflexology is generally relaxing and may help alleviate stress.

The theory behind reflexology is that areas of the foot correspond to organs and systems of the body. Pressure applied to the foot is believed to bring relaxation and healing to the corresponding area of the body.


Reflexologists use foot charts to guide them as they apply pressure to specific areas. Reflexology is sometimes combined with other hands-on therapies.

Several studies indicate that reflexology may reduce pain and psychological symptoms, such as stress and anxiety, and enhance relaxation and sleep. Given that reflexology is also low risk, it can be a reasonable option if you’re seeking relaxation and stress relief.


Massage for Motherhood

Is a gentle massage that reduces stress, muscle strain and discomfort, sedates the nervous system (aiding in rest and relaxation), increases lymph and general circulation (resulting in more energy and less fatigue), helps facilitate hormonal and other

 prenatal processes and eases muscle strain postpartum. I have a massage table designed to adjust and support the

 expectant mothers body.




Active and passive stretching are used to reverse shortened areas of connective tissue(fascia) allowing an increase in range of motion and reduction of pain. Stretching compliments all other massage modalities and should be used in combination.


Sedate life style and poor food choices can contribute to pain.

Habits are usually the reason aches and pains seem to come out of nowhere. Most people can’t pinpoint why they’re experiencing pain, unless they fell, twisted or were in an accident. 

Once the therapies help get you out of pain, maintenance is the key to staying pain free.

The key is regular and consistent:

massage, stretching, moderate exercise and food that is compatible with your body.