Your First Appointment

Sarasota is a great vacation spot and a great place to have a massage.

Health history:

You will need to complete a Information and Health History form before your first appointment. Please arrive 10 to 15 minutes early. The form asks about any past and current health issues, injuries, medications and therapies you received or are currently receiving so that we will be able to evaluate what type of therapy/massage is right for you. How did you respond to the treatments or therapies? You might bring a list of medications, dates of injuries and diagnosis to save time.  If you have had massage before you will probably know what type of massage are you looking for?  If this seems complicated now, don”t worry. Quite a few people will fill out the personal information and talk about what is going on while I ask questions and take notes.

Let’s Talk:

The therapist will review the information on the Health History and any prescriptions. She will evaluate your posture and any areas of concern you have. You will discuss what type of massage you are requesting, the type of touch you respond best to and what you hope to achieve in the massage. If it is your first massage, don’t worry she knows what to ask. Together you will decide how to proceed.

Massage: Things to expect


You will be left alone to undress and get under the sheets on the table. The therapist will un-drape each region as she works and re-drape it before she moves to the next region. 

(You do not have to take off your underwear to receive massage.)

Soft relaxing music will be playing. If you do not like the music playing, request a different play list or ask for no music. You can bring your own music.

We have a heated table or large hot packs that can be place on your body to keep you warm or if you are naturally hot massage can be done with limited draping.

Therapeutic Massage Modalities:

With palpation your therapist can feel tissues that need work, but cannot feel your level of pain or discomfort.

Therapeutic Massage it is a cooperative process between the Therapist and you.

Talk to the therapist during the massage about tender areas as she works. You should not hold your breath in order to tolerate the palpation. That’s too deep!  Say: Ouch, To deep, etc. and she will adjust her touch. The area needs work, but at a palpation level that kind of hurts in a good pain reducing way.

If your therapist is palpating to softly, ask her to work deeper.

She will talk to you more about how to assess palpation pressure at your first appointment.

Your Massage You Choose:

Massage can be done in silence or you can have conversation. 

If you ask questions your therapist will answer. If your therapist is to chatty tell her you want to rest quietly during the massage. You won’t hurt her feelings.

She receives massage and understands that some days you are awake and talkative and other days you are exhausted and need quiet.

Relaxation Massage Modalities:

 The relaxation modalities are subjective and unique for each person. Each body perceives pressure in a personal way. Some relax with feather soft glides. Some with deep holding compression. Some with petressage. Some with rhythmic rocking. Some with deep thumb/knuckle work, etc.

The point is that with massage experience you can tell your therapist what massage techniques and depth of pressure relax you.

If you are a beginner your therapist will introduce massage techniques and you will let her know if you are relaxing. If you respond well to a massage technique (and feel like it)ask the name of the technique so you can ask for it again at your next massage. 

After The Massage:

If you chose deep massage therapies some soreness can be expected the day.


If you feel like you were too sore after your last massage tell your therapist prior to your next massage and together you can use less pressure and depth to achieve the desired results. 


Use ice and heat as directed after the massage. Ice and heat help move fluids, toxins and metabolic waste out of tissues
and have a soothing/pain reducing affect. 


Drink lots of water for the next 24 hours after your massage to help flush out toxins and metabolic waste released from tissues during the massage. You want them out of your body. They contribute to pain! 


Feel free to ask questions: If you have any questions or 

concerns, talk to your therapist.

Connect with me

Start transforming your body, mind, and life today.


4001 Swift Road
Sarasota, Florida 34231 United States of America.



Email Address

Business Hours

Monday/Friday: 8am to 5pm
Saturday: 9am to 12am
Call for costume times.